Previously Published Documents

Professional Reading: Negotiating Advice from Gordon Wade Rule

Introduction by Vernon J. Edwards

March 2019

I think I can safely say that Gordon Wade Rule was the most famous and respected U.S. contracting officer in history. He retired from Government service as chief of the Navy’s Procurement Control and Clearance Division in 1977 and died of cancer at the age of 75 in Washington D.C. in 1982. In an obituary, The Washington Post described him as “an iconoclastic Navy cost-cutter who excoriated cabinet members, admirals and senior legislators he viewed as obstructers of his relentless war on waste and unaccountability in weapons buying.”

The First Hoover Commission's Report on an

Office of General Services

February 1949

On July 7, 1947, The Lodge-Brown Act of 1947, established The Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government.  The Commission was given its popular name―The Hoover Commission―for its Chairman, former President Herbert Hoover.  Since Hoover chaired a second commission under President Eisenhower, this Commission became known as the First Hoover Commission.  The stated purpose of the Commission was to review the Executive branch of Government and to recommend ways to reorganize and improve it.  When it began to issue its reports in 1949, they were met with acclaim both inside and outside of the government.  This Commission report, among other recommendations, recommended the creation of an Office of General Services.  Within 5 months of this report's issuance, the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 was enacted.  Soon after that, the General Services Administration was established.

All current General Services Administration employees should read this report since it is the basis for their agency.  Additionally, all individuals involved in federal contracting and logistics should review it.  Finally, those that seek to change central supply in the future should read this report also. 

The Art of Negotiation —— Gordon Wade Rule

In 1962, a legend in the area of contracting—Gordon Rule—wrote this guide and dedicated it to his country.  The guide includes his thoughts on who should negotiate, what to do and what not to do during negotiations, and the proper attitude for negotiations.  Although not restricted to the field of contract negotiations, the guide does include information that is valuable to those who will negotiate the terms of a contract.

A Guide for Writing and Administering Performance Statements of Work for Service Contracts

October 1980

Office of Federal Procurement Policy Pamphlet Number 4

This document reaches back to the early years of performance-based contracting.  Although it no longer is official guidance, it does contain ideas for certain types of procurements.  The Pamphlet was issued in October 1980 as Supplement #2 to Office of Management and Budget Circular A-76.

The Commission on Government Procurement (December 1972)

Volume 1 - Part A:  General Procurement Considerations

Volume 2 - Part B:  Acquisition of Research and Development

Volume 2 - Part C:  Acquisition of Major Systems

Volume 3 - Part D:  Acquisition of Commercial Products

Volume 3 - Part E:  Acquisition of Construction and Architect-Engineer Services

Volume 3 - Part F:  Federal Grant-Type Assistance Programs

Volume 4 - Part G:  Legal and Administrative Remedies

Volume 4 - Part H:  Selected Issues of Liability, Government Property and Catastrophic Accidents

Volume 4 - Part I:  Patents, Technical Data, and Copyrights

Volume 4 - Part J:  Other Statutory Considerations

Supplement:  Index, Bibliography, Acronyms


GAO Monitoring of Progress on Implementation of Recommendations

Progress of Executive Branch Action on Recommendations of the Commission on Government Procurement.  (September 19, 1973)

Recommendations of the Commission on Government Procurement: Executive Branch Progress and Status.  (January 31, 1974)

Executive Branch Action on Recommendations of the Commission on Government Procurement: Progress Status, Responsiveness.  (July 31, 1974)

Executive Branch Actions on Recommendations of the Commission on Government Procurement.  (December 19, 1975)

Legislative Recommendations of the Commission on Government Procurement: 5 Years Later.  (July 31, 1978)

Implementation of of the Recommendations of the Commission on Government Procurement: A Final Assessment  (May 31, 1979)

For years, I have been trying to find a copy of the Commission on Government Procurement (COGP) online.  I finally found it.  In my opinion, it is the most significant study of the contracting process since it was published in 1972.  By looking at the Parts to the left, you should realize the thoroughness of the study.  

If you read the COGP, a number of your questions may be answered on why things look the way they are in federal contracting. 

In addition to the COGP, the Government Accountability Office--then the General Accounting Office--issued multiple reports checking on the implementation of the COGP's recommendations.  I list links to those reports also.



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