Homer on Tuesday, March 25, 2003 -
10:06 am:
I have some general questions about the use of
Government issued commercial credit cards, for purchases in
excess of the micro-pur;chase limit of $2500.
Use of Government issued commercial purchase cards is governed
by FAR 13.301, which states, in part, ". . . Agency procedures
should encourage use of the card in greater dollar amounts
(i.e., greater than the micro-purchase limit of $2500) by
contracting officers to place orders and to pay for purchases. .
Purchase cards may be used, generally, up to the simplified
acquisition threshold of $100,000.
As I understand it, purchase cards serve as a funding mechanism,
not a contracting mechanism. So my question is, for purchases
greater than $2500, are only authorized contracting officers
entitled to use the cards for purchases? Can this authority be
formerfed on Tuesday, March 25,
2003 - 10:20 am:
Sure. That authority can be delegated and many
agencies do. Where the problem arises is certain clauses are
required above $2,500. Somehow those should be applied in some
manner and that's where a type of order is required. There are
some pretty creative ways some agencies use to do this. But a
program office just cannot call up a vendor and order something
verbally when it exceeds $2,500. However a cardholder can place
oral orders under GSA Schedules, other type ID/IQ contracts, and
BPAs when use of oral orders is authorized and the card is used
for payment.
Homer on Tuesday, March 25, 2003 -
10:41 am:
Thanks, formerfed. You say that "the problem arises is
certain clauses are required above $2,500." What clauses? And
then, "that's were a type of order is required." I am not sure
what you are referring to by "order."
formerfed on Tuesday, March 25,
2003 - 10:58 am:
As a minimum, the commercial items clauses would
generally apply. Take a look at FAR 12.301.
The exact clauses vary depending on the nature and dollar value
of what you buy. For example if you buy services covered by the
Service Contract Act, a Department of Labor wage determination
applies. When an order exceeds the micropurchase threshold of
$2,500, the vendor is subject to certain laws and regulations. A
purchase order or something similar needs transmitted to the
vendor so they agree to abide by the clauses or are bound to
them as a condition of acceptance of the order.
You don't run into this situation when its less than $2,500
because the statute establishing the micropurchase authority
exempted the various laws and regulations.
dave on Tuesday, March 25, 2003 -
01:19 pm:
For buys over the micropurchase threshold, we issue a
purchase order (OF347) with the applicable clauses. In block 21
of the form where it specifies where to mail invoices we insert
"Payment to be made by U. S. Government purchase card".
Anonymous on Wednesday, March 26,
2003 - 01:59 pm:
What do you do if you have a micro purchase situation,
but the vendor(s) won't accept a Government purchase card?
Anonymous on Wednesday, March 26,
2003 - 03:11 pm:
Look at Daves answer above your question
Anonymous on Wednesday, March 26,
2003 - 05:12 pm:
Anonymous 3:11 p.m.--
Daves answer is for purchases above the mirco-purchase
threshhold. I am trying to determine what's required for a
purchase below $2,500.
dave on Thursday, March 27, 2003 -
06:49 am:
If they don't accept the card, we then issue the
standard OF 347 and have invoices submitted to our own payment
office, just like a PO issued for $2,501. You just won't have as
many applicable clauses, etc.
Phil C. on Thursday, March 27, 2003
- 08:48 am:
Reply to Anonymous on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 -
01:59 pm:
If the vendor won't accept the PC in a micro-purcase situation,
my advice is to find another source. My experience in CONUS, it
typically isn't too difficult to find a source who will accept
the purchase card. OCONUS is a different matter as the purchase
card is not as widely accepted.
Also if micro-purchase and the "only" source available doesn't
accept the purchase card, the activity can use an accomdation
check (actually written against a purchase card line of
accounting) provided the vendor will accept the check (1.25%
surcharge by Citibank).
The PC saves time, effort, and money in the procurement,
invoice, and payment process if used correctly.
Sorry don't have the FAR/DFARS open in front of me, but in one
of those it's prescribed that the PC is mandatory for CONUS
micro-purchase unless FLAG/GENERAL/SES officer authorizes
otherwise...of course some other requirements/exceptins pertain.
Moreover, for procurements above $2,500 my experience is that we
put the Payment by Credit Card Clause (Payment by Third party)
into the contract and made payments by purchase card. Sorry
can't cite as I don't have the FAR/DFARS available (having
trouble accessing farsite).
Again, this saved us time/money in the invoicing/payment
Anonymous on Thursday, March 27,
2003 - 10:33 am:
Further to Phil C:
It is DOD policy, rather than a FAR re4quirement, that use of
the PC as a purchase method (as opposed to a payment mechanism
only) is mandatory for micropurchases.
Accomodation checks qualify as use of the purchase card for this
purpose, provided that the buying activity's purchase card
program includes accomodation checks. It is not automaticlly
part of all purchase card programs since it involves an
additional administrative fee.
With accomodation checks, the purchase card holder literally
issues a check to the vendor written against the card account.
The vendor deposits/cashes the check. The issuer gets billed for
the check amount plus the fee on the monthly card account.
In order to use a traditional purchase order/invoice/DFAS
payment of invoice process within DOD for micropurchases, the
DOD policy requires that a waiver be granted from the mandatory
purhcase card policy. Waiver approvals are limited to Flag or
General Officer/SES civilian or Commanding Officer of field
activities that do not have a Flag/General Officer or SES.
Above the micropurchase threshold, simplified acquistion
procedures must be followed but the purchase card may be used as
the paymant mechanism (not the purchase method) if provided for
in the purchase order in lieu of the traditional invoicing
process. Within DOD the micropurchase threshold can be increased
to various levels within/outside the continental United States
(CONUS) under certain circumstances -- officially declared
contingency operations, in defense of terrorism, etc. Details
should be checked in FAR/DFARS and policy memos and require
varying levels of authorization.
Anon2U on Thursday, March 27, 2003
- 02:08 pm:
The usual reason that you cannot find another vendor
is because you are procuring the expertise of a certain
individual who is usually retired and either teaching or
consulting on a part time basis. He has no credit card
capability but the accomadation check option is something that
each procurement office should try to establish I think.
snyder on Thursday, March 27, 2003
- 02:11 pm:
whoa, wait a minute. Return to formerfed, 3/25 10:20.
Stated that authority over $2,500 can be delegated.
My understanding is that only warranted CO's can use the
government credit cards for actions in excess of $2,500 due to
the various competition, set-aside, and other requirements of
FAR 13. Delegating to non-warranted personnel isn't appropriate.
What am I missing?
Anon2U on Thursday, March 27, 2003
- 02:16 pm:
At my agency they get a warrant that says they are
authorized for credit card purchases up to the their limit. This
is after they have additional Contract Specialist training to
learn the basics.
formerfed on Thursday, March 27,
2003 - 02:50 pm:
Anon2U has it right on the nose. The places I know that do it
require poetntail cardholders to attend 40 hours of training.
The card holders have to do everything the FAR requires. An 1102
in the procurement office reviews their actions in a post-award
manner to ensure compliance with the regulations.
Phil C. on Friday, March 28, 2003 -
02:58 am:
Regarding the $25,000 PC authority, yes, the
cardholder must be appointed via the SF-1402 warrant. For DoN
cardholders, DoN policy is that completion of CON 101, or CON
202, or NAVSUP sponsored SAP class is required for a cardholder
to be eligible for PC authority above $2,500. Also DoN policy is
that cardholders regardless of authority level obtain refresher
PC training every 2 years.
The small business set aside does not apply for PC open market
purchases above $2,500, as that authority (>$2,500) can only be
used by a cardholder located OCONUS soliciting quotes from
vendors located OCONUS. Thus, we don’t have FAR 19 to consider
if we remain in the OCONUS environment. Of course, the other
requirements of DFARS 213.301(2)(i) must be met to purchase open
market with the PC above $2,500.
For PC purchases under $2,500 the rules are simple, get one
quote and if the cardholder determines the price is fair and
reasonable, providing purchasing that item isn’t prohibited,
make the buy. The F&R determination does not have to be
For PC purchases from $2,500 to $25,000 the cardholder must
solicit three quotes, and document the basis for determining the
awarded price as being fair and reasonable.
The only other requirement for every purchase is to screen
mandatory sources of supply/service as required by FAR 8.
Typically, JWOD is the only mandatory source that the typical
cardholder might purchase from.
There is oversight and review that is supposed to be performed
on a transaction, monthly, semi-annual, and annual basis by
other PC members/players in the cardholder hierarchy.
I think the real beauty of the PC is the payment method up to
$9.9 million for invoices on purchase orders/contracts.
Eliminates a bunch of expense and manhours to process through
snyder on Friday, March 28, 2003 -
09:57 am:
Thanks for some clarification.
Are these people who obtain the 40 hours of training classified
as 1102 or 1105s? I can't imagine employees in other technical
positions wanting or willing to take on the responsibility and
workload, especially the documentation required, associated with
processing actions over $2,500. Maybe thats just me.
Using the credit card as a payment mechanism is excellent, both
very efficient and cost effective. We should do more of it.
formerfed on Friday, March 28, 2003
- 10:57 am:
No, these people aren't 1102's in most cases. They generally are
administrative people in program offices such as analysts or
support staff. The reason such technical positions take on that
workload and responsibility is it's the quickest and most
efficient manner in most cases to get what the program needs.
Often the programs are physically removed from the procurement
office. Instead of preparing requisitions and transmitting them
to their procurement shop for action, which takes XXX
days/weeks/months (I'll let you fill that part in), the program
controls their own destiny and orders what is needed themselves.
In some cases, the technical staff person wants the duties. More
often than not, a progarm manager sees the benefits and directs
kathy salas on Thursday, May 08,
2003 - 09:32 am:
Wage Grade workers at a Repair Depot are balking at
being Government Purchase Card holders because they say its
"administrative" in nature and should be done by GS workers.
Also, they do not want the added responsibilities of being a
I see in the FAR, as supplemented, that responsibilities for
micro-purchase should be delegated to the lowest level possible,
but is it written anywhere that acquisition offices (contracting
directorates, etc.) will not process micro-purchase requests?
(I've reviewed the Army SOP on GPC.) Or is it up to each
individual contracting office to establish an internal policy
stating that due to the benefits of the micro purchase card
system, they will no longer process micro purchase requests?
Request any assistance from the acquisition community.
Thank you.
Anonymous on Thursday, May 08, 2003
- 11:39 am:
Its a Command decision......contract offices merely
Anonymous on Monday, May 12, 2003 -
03:32 pm:
Within DOD there is an applicable DOD financial policy
which requires all purchases at or below the micro-purchase
level be made as purchase card transactions. A contracting
office may not process a requisition below the micro-purchase
threshold as a traditional purchase action (i.e., purchase
order) unless the requiring activity has obtained a waiver from
this policy. Waivers must be approved at flag officer/SES level
except, for field activities without a flag/SES, the Commanding
Officer may approve the waiver.