P. L. 113-291 |
Explanatory Statement, 12/4/14, H8671 |
SEC. 854. OPERATIONAL METRICS FOR JOINT INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT AND SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES. (a) Guidance- Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense, acting through the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Defense, shall issue guidance for measuring the operational effectiveness and efficiency of the Joint Information Environment within the military departments, Defense Agencies, and combatant commands. The guidance shall include a definition of specific metrics for data collection, and a requirement for each military department, Defense Agency, and combatant command to regularly collect and assess data on such operational effectiveness and efficiency and report the results to such Chief Information Officer on a regular basis. (b) Baseline Architecture- The Chief Information Officer of the Department of Defense shall identify a baseline architecture for the Joint Information Environment by identifying and reporting to the Secretary of Defense any information technology programs or other investments that support that architecture. (c) Joint Information Environment Defined- In this section, the term `Joint Information Environment' means the initiative of the Department of Defense to modernize the information technology networks and systems within the Department. |
Operational metrics for Joint
Information Environment and supporting activities (sec. 854)
The House bill contained a provision (sec. 821) that would require the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to conduct a review of the Air Force Network-Centric Solutions II contract and provide a certification to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives that the contract is effective in delivering information technology capabilities for the joint force. The Senate committee-reported bill contained no similar provision. The agreement includes the House provision with a clarifying amendment. We remain concerned by the lack of clarity about the activities supporting the Joint Information Environment (JIE), including the programs of records, and other non- materiel aspects, that would contribute to the JIE vision. In the case of some of the programs that we believe contribute to JIE, like the Air Force's Network Centric Solutions II contract, Navy's Next Generation Enterprise Network, or the Army's Installation Information Infrastructure Modernization program, there are measures of performance driven by the information technology community, but not ones that can be clearly tied to operational outcomes for the warfighting community. As the JIE evolves into a seamless network to support warfighting functions, as well as business and support processes, we believe that the Department of Defense (DOD) needs metrics that can be tied to the operational customer in ways that can demonstrate effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. Therefore, we direct the DOD Chief Information Officer, in coordination with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to brief the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives on the guidance and metrics required by this section within 210 days of the enactment of this Act. H. Rpt 113-446 to accompany H. R. 4435 Section 821--Certification of Effectiveness for Air Force Information Technology Contracting This section would require the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to conduct a review of the Air Force Network-Centric Solutions II (NETCENTS II) contract and provide a certification to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives that the NETCENTS II contract is effective in delivering information technology capabilities for the joint force. |