TITLE VIII--ACQUISITION POLICY, ACQUISITION MANAGEMENT, AND RELATED MATTERS Subtitle B--Amendments to General Contracting Authorities, Procedures, and Limitations |
SEC. 826. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTS AND OPTIONS TO PROVIDE ECONOMIC PRICE ADJUSTMENTS. (a) Authority.--Amounts authorized to be appropriated by this Act for the Department of Defense may be used to modify the terms and conditions of a contract or option to provide an economic price adjustment consistent with sections 16.203-1 and 16.203-2 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation during the relevant period of performance for that contract or option and as specified in section 16.203-3 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, to the extent and in such amounts as specifically provided in advance in appropriations Acts for the purposes of this section. (b) Guidance.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment shall issue guidance implementing the authority under this section. |
Sec. 826--Modification of contracts and options to provide economic price adjustments The House bill contained a provision (sec. 830) that would allow the Department of Defense to modify contract options for economic price adjustment. The Senate amendment contained no similar provision. The Senate recedes with an amendment that would clarify that the Department of Defense may seek consideration when considering whether to modify contracts to include an economic price adjustment clause. H. Rept. 118-125 Section 830--Modification and Extension of Temporary
Authority To Modify Certain Contracts and Options Based on
the Impacts of Inflation |