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Conference Report 107-772 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003 |
Conference Report Section |
Legislative History |
(a) ESTABLISHMENT- The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics shall establish a team of highly qualified acquisition professionals who shall be available to advise the Under Secretary on actions that can be taken to expedite the acquisition of urgently needed systems. (b) DUTIES- The issues on which the team may provide advice shall include the following: (1) Industrial base issues, including the limited availability of suppliers. (2) Technology development and technology transition issues. (3) Issues of acquisition policy, including the length of the acquisition cycle. (4) Issues of testing policy and ensuring that weapon systems perform properly in combat situations. (5) Issues of procurement policy, including the impact of socio-economic requirements. (6) Issues relating to compliance with environmental requirements. |
Conference Report 107-772 The House bill contained a provision (sec. 809) that would require the Secretary of Defense to establish a special projects acquisition team to examine and address issues affecting expeditious procurements. (See H. R. 4546 - House Bill and House Report 107-436 below) The Senate amendment contained no similar provision. The Senate recedes with an amendment that would: (1) require that the quick reaction special projects acquisition team be established by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics; and (2) broaden the categories of issues to be addressed by the team. |
H. R. 4546 - House BillSEC. 809. QUICK-REACTION SPECIAL PROJECTS ACQUISITION TEAM.(a) ESTABLISHMENT- Chapter 141 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 2402 the following new section: Sec. 2403. Quick-reaction special projects acquisition teamThe Secretary of Defense shall establish a quick-reaction special projects acquisition team, the purpose of which shall be to advise the Secretary on actions that can be taken to expedite the procurement of urgently needed systems. The team shall address problems with the intention of creating expeditious solutions relating to-- (1) industrial-base issues such as the limited availability of suppliers; (2) compliance with acquisition regulations and lengthy procedures; (3) compliance with environmental requirements; (4) compliance with requirements regarding small-business concerns; and (5) compliance with requirements regarding the purchase of products made in the United States.'. (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT- The table of sections at the beginning of such chapter is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 2402 the following new item: 2403. Quick-reaction special projects acquisition team.'. |
House Report 107-436SECTION 809--QUICK-REACTION SPECIAL PROJECTS ACQUISITION TEAMThis section would require the Secretary of Defense to establish a special projects acquisition team to examine and address issues affecting expeditious procurements. The special projects acquisition team shall specifically address industrial base issues, lengthy acquisition procedures due to acquisition regulations, environmental issues, small business concerns, and the purchase of products made in the United States. |