January 12, 1999, the Comptroller General issued
its decision on DZS/Baker LLC; Morrison Knudsen
B- 281224.2; B-281224.3;
B-281224.4; B-281224.5;
B-281224.6. Since that decision, a
controversy has developed in regard to conflicts
of interest for federal employees who participate
in the evaluation of industry proposals under
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular
No. A-76.Although
controversy is often a part of federal
contracting, a controversy that involves the
authorities and decisions of two federal agencies
is not needed. Such a controversy should be dealt
with and resolved quickly. This article looks at
the basics of that controversy.
The Comptroller General's
In the digest of
the above decision, the Comptroller General said
"In a
cost comparison study pursuant to Office of
Management and Budget Circular No. A-76,
where 14 of 16 agency evaluators held
positions under the study and thus subject to
being contracted out, a conflict
of interest that could not be
mitigated was created, and protests
challenging the evaluators' conclusion that
all private-sector offers were unacceptable
are therefore sustained." (italics and
bold supplied)
In reaching the
decision, the Comptroller General relied on the
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) which
setting out the standards of conduct that
apply to government business, Federal
Acquisition Regulation (FAR) sec. 3.101-1 states: Transactions
relating to the expenditure of public funds
require the highest degree of public trust
and an impeccable standard of conduct. The
general rule is to avoid strictly any
conflict of interest or even the appearance
of a conflict of interest in
Government-contractor relationships. The
standards contained in FAR subpart 3.1 are
explicitly applicable to the actions of
government personnel."
In justifying the
decision that a conflict of interest existed, the
Comptroller General turned to a common-sense
as here, a private-sector offeror submits a
technical proposal as part of an A-76 cost
comparison study for work currently performed
in-house by an agency, and agency personnel
holding positions under the study and thus
subject to being contracted out are involved
in evaluating the commercial offeror's
proposal, it seems self-evident that, as
addressed in FAR
sec. 9.501(d), the agency
evaluators are potentially unable to render
impartial assistance or advice to the
contracting officer--their objectivity in
performing the evaluation may be impaired.
Indeed, as addressed analogously in FAR
sec. 9.505-3, in this situation agency
evaluators are in effect evaluating a
competitor's proposal." (italics and
bold supplied)
It is difficult
to argue with the Comptroller General's decision.
It makes sense. Should one competitor evaluate
another competitor's proposal? Although the
Comptroller General's decision appears
well-founded, little in government contracting is
clear-cut. In the case of conflicts of interest,
a specific federal agency--the Office of
Government Ethics--is involved.
The Office of Government
The Office of
Government Ethics (OGE) is the executive branch
agency responsible for overseeing and providing
guidance on government ethics for the executive
branch, including the ethics programs of
executive departments and agencies. OGE was
created by the Ethics in Government Act of 1978,
Public Law 95-521, as amended. The Act created
OGE to provide overall direction for executive
branch policies designed to prevent conflicts
of interest and to help insure high
ethical standards on the part of agency officers
and employees. OGE is the "supervising
ethics office" for the executive branch for
various purposes, including public and
confidential financial disclosure reporting by
executive agency officials. OGE also has various
government ethics guidance responsibilities under
Executive Order 12674 of April 12, 1989,
"Principles of Ethical Conduct for
Government Officers and Employees" (3 CFR
1989 Compilation, pp. 215-218). (See 5
C.F.R. 2600.101) Clearly, OGE is the executive
branch authority in determining when conflicts of
interest exist.
The Controversy
On September 9,
1999, noting that it had received several
inquiries on the above decision, OGE sent a
memorandum to the designated agency ethics
officials in the federal government to reaffirm
the applicability of its regulation that provides
an exemption from a conflict of interest for
employees who participate in matters conducted
under OMB Circular No. A-76. In regard to the
Comptroller General's decision noted above, the
OGE pointed out that
Comptroller General decision did not address
the Office of Government Ethics (OGE)
exemption under 18
U.S.C. § 208 for employees who participate
in particular matters where the disqualifying
financial interest arises from Federal
Government employment."
Pointing to the
same FAR provision the Comptroller General used,
OGE added the sentence directly preceding the FAR
section used by the Comptroller General.
Specifically, that sentence states.
business shall be conducted in a manner above
reproach and, except as
authorized by statute or regulation,
with complete impartiality and with
preferential treatment for none."
(italics and bold supplied)
In explaining
that the Comptroller General failed to include
the above sentence, OGE noted that
although raised by the attorney representing
the Department of the Air Force, the opinion
made no mention in the decision concerning
the conflict of interest statute in 18
U.S.C. § 208 nor of the exemptions that OGE
has issued by the regulation implementing
that statute. We believe that these were
significant omissions that may well have
affected the conclusion in that case."
The key here is
the exemption that OGE issued in its regulation
that implements the statute. Specifically, OGE
employee who evaluates bids or proposals of
contractors who are offering to perform the
work that the employee performs in-house is
participating personally and substantially in
a particular matter that will have a direct
and predictable effect on his financial
interest. In the absence of an exemption or
an individual waiver, the employee could not
evaluate such bids or proposals without
violating Section 208(a)."
accordance with 18 U.S.C. § 208 (b) (2), OGE
has provided an exemption for such employees
who participate in particular matters where
the disqualifying financial interest arises
from Federal Government employment. While an
employee may not make determinations that
would individually and specially affect his
own salary and benefits, the exemption does
permit an employee to make determinations
that would affect an entire office or group
of employees, even though the employee is a
member of that group. Under those
circumstances, employees who participate in
matters connected with OMB A-76 procedures,
including the evaluation of bids or
proposals, are not in violation of Section
208(a). As noted in 5
C.F.R. § 2635.501, a determination that an
exemption in 5
C.F.R. § 2640 applies also constitutes a
determination under the standards of conduct
that the interest of the Government in the
employee's participation outweighs the
concern that a reasonable person may question
the integrity of agency programs and
What Next?
Common sense or
the law--what should be applied? The Comptroller
General's decision is persuasive. With 14 of 16
evaluators from the affected organization
evaluating the competitions' proposals, the
independence of the government's evaluation team
is subject to question. However, the authority
and rulings of the OGE cannot be ignored as they
were in the Comptroller General's decision. OGE
states that the 14 federal employees on the panel
did not have conflicts of interest by being on
the panel. By looking at one thing at a time,
maybe reason can dictate an appropriate
First, the
information provided by the FAR has been cited,
at least in part, by both the Comptroller General
and OGE. There is nothing to add here. However,
one obvious error in the FAR exists. At section
3.101-3 (2) (b), the FAR notes that the Office of
Personnel Management's regulations implementing
Public Law 95-521 are to be followed. This is
clearly wrong since OGE performs this function as
explained at 5
C.F.R. 2600.101. This error should be corrected to
avoid additional confusion.
Second, we need
to look at OGE's exemption at 5
C.F.R. § 2640.203 (d). These provisions deal with an
"officer or employee" of the executive
branch and certain other government entities. For
that matter, OGE states that Public Law 95-521
"created OGE to provide overall direction
for executive branch policies designed to prevent
conflicts of interest and to help insure high
ethical standards on the part of agency
officers and employees."
(Italics and bold added) Does OGE believe that
its rulings cover the overall composition of
panels in addition to officers and employees?
That is not answered in its letter of September
9, 1999.
Third, the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB) provides a minimum
of guidance on source selection in the
Supplemental Handbook to OMB Circular No. A-76.
Specifically, at Chapter
3, H. 3. b. it is stated that
required by the FAR, the Government should
establish a Source Selection Authority,
including assurances that there are no
potential conflicts of interest in the
membership of the Authority."
Since we must use
the regulations of OGE, none of the 14 agency
evaluators would have a conflict of interest by
acting as a member of an A-76 evaluation team.
Therefore, OMB's requirement has been met. That
leaves us in the current position. No answer
Finally, the
Comptroller General generally is concerned with
the fairness of the competitive procurement
process. If the Comptroller General had avoided
the use of "conflict of interest' in its
decision, perhaps things would be different. In
its decision, the Comptroller General focused on
the number--14 of 16--of evaluators from the
affected activity. Was the Comptroller General
trying to state that an evaluation panel with
fewer evaluators from the affected activity would
provide the competitive procurement process with
an air of fairness and credibility?
Perhaps some
agreement can be reached on the composition and
number of affected federal employees on an
evaluation panel that all could accept. If done
right, federal employees participating on such an
evaluation panel would not be in violation of
conflict of interest regulations and the fairness
and credibility of the evaluation panel may be
maintained. Such a solution could fit in the
Supplemental Handbook to OMB Circular No. A-76.
If not there, perhaps the FAR.