22.1006: Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
Comptroller General - Key Excerpts |
With regard to the evaluation of DCSI's proposal, BSLS
specifically asserts that DCSI achieved its low pricing by
improperly classifying some positions under certain CBA
[collective bargaining agreement] job
classifications--accountant, vehicle dispatcher, and commercial
driver's license (CDL) driver--rather than under the higher-wage
CBA classifications of fuels accountant and fuels technician.
BSLS argues that, under the terms of CBA, the fuels accountant
and fuels technician classifications are the appropriate
classifications, and contends that DLA should have upwardly
adjusted DCSI's proposed price, downgraded its technical rating,
or found its proposal unacceptable. BSLS asserts that DCSI's
proposal of, for example, CDL drivers, rather than fuels
technicians, indicates that DCSI's proposed employees do not
meet the personnel qualifications and experience requirements of
the RFP.
In response, DLA points out that, while it reviewed the resumes
and qualifications of proposed key personnel, as well as the
offerors' fuels operation management and support plans and
staffing approaches, in order to ensure that offerors had
sufficient staffing and understood the nature and scope of the
work required, it was not required under the RFP to review
proposals for compliance with the job classification and wage
rate terms of the SCA [Service Contract Act] or CBA. Rather, the
RFP required each offeror to submit a statement of compliance
with the SCA and CBA. RFP at 14. Accordingly, DLA did not
solicit position description or labor rate information from
offerors, and contends that it reasonably accepted and relied
upon the offerors' acknowledgements that their proposals were in
We agree. First, with respect to BSLS's argument that DLA should
have adjusted DCSI's price, where, as here, the RFP provides for
the award of a fixed-price contract, the contracting agency may
not adjust offerors' prices for purposes of evaluation. Federal
Acquisition Regulation sect. 15.404-1(d)(3); Powersolv, Inc.,
B-402534, B-402534.2, June 1, 2010, 2010 CPD para. 206 at 12.
Similarly, given that the RFP here does not specifically call
for a price realism analysis, the agency was not required to
perform a detailed price analysis. See SAGE Sys. Techs., LLC,
B-310155, Nov. 29, 2007, 2007 CPD para. 219 at 3. In any event,
below-cost offers are not prohibited, see Group GPS Multimedia,
B-310716, Jan. 22, 2008, 2008 CPD para. 34 at 4, and even where
an offeror bases its prices on labor rates lower than those
specified in accordance with the SCA, the firm is eligible for
award if it does not take exception to the SCA requirements. K.G.,
Inc., B-281948, May 10, 1999, 99-1 CPD para. 91 at 3. The record
here shows that DCSI took no exception to the SCA and CBA
requirements. Accordingly, DCSI will be required to perform the
specified fuels services in compliance with the terms of the
RFP, including compensation of its employees at the required
rates, at the price that it proposed. Group GPS Multimedia,
supra. (Bering Straits
Logistics Services, LLC, B-403799; B-403799.3, December 15,
2010) (pdf) |
General - Listing of Decisions |
the Government |
the Protester |
Bering Straits Logistics Services, LLC,
B-403799; B-403799.3, December 15, 2010 (pdf) |
Court of Federal Claims - Key Excerpts |
The Service Contract Act of 1965 and FAR 22.1006
Plaintiff alleges that the New TASC RFP violates the Service
Contract Act of 1965 ("SCA") and FAR 22.1006 by failing to
incorporate the required and applicable clauses at FAR 52.222-41
and 52.222-43. Conversely, defendant argues that the New TASC
RFP is not subject to the SCA because the principal purpose of
the procurement is to acquire a sophisticated, integrated
system, not to furnish services.
The SCA requires that every procurement or contract valued in
excess of $2,500.00, entered into with the United States for the
principal purpose of furnishing services through the use of
service employees, contain provisions specifying the wages to be
paid and the fringe benefits to be furnished to various classes
of service employees. 41 U.S.C. § 351(a)(1)-(2) (2009). Where
the SCA applies to a procurement, FAR 22.10006 further provides
that the contracting officer must insert two specific provisions
into the solicitation. See 48 C.F.R. § 22.1006. Whether the SCA
applies to a particular contract or solicitation is initially
determined by the contracting agency; however, “[i]f there is
any question or doubt as to the application of the SCA to a
particular procurement, the agency is required to obtain DOL’s
views.” Ne. Military Sales, Inc., 2002 Comp. Gen. Proc.
Dec. P195, at *5 (Nov. 20, 2002)(citing FAR § 22.1003-7);
Ameriko, Inc., 96-1 Comp. Gen. Proc. Dec. P176, at *5 (Mar.
18, 1996)(citing Dynalectron Corp., 65 Comp. Gen. 290
(1986)). Nonetheless, “[w]here a procuring agency does not
believe that a proposed contract is subject to the SCA, there is
no duty to notify DOL or include the SCA provisions in the
solicitation.” Id. at *7 n.1 (citing Tenavision, Inc.,
88-2 Comp. Gen. Proc. Dec. P114 at *2 (Aug. 8, 1988)). The court
will refrain from reviewing a DOL determination as to whether
the SCA applies to a particular contract; the court may
nevertheless review the reasonableness of the contracting
agency’s decision as to “whether DOL’s views should have been
solicited.” Id.
Here, defendant reasonably determined
that the SCA did not apply to the New TASC RFP; its failure to
incorporate the required provisions of the FAR into the
solicitation consequently violates neither the SCA, nor FAR
22.10006. The New TASC RFP describes defendant’s need for a
“proven, integrated financial, asset and acquisition management
system solution with the accompanying program management, change
management and integration services to implement and sustain the
proposed solution.” Admin. R., 09-113C, at 000815. At first
glance, as well as after a more detailed inquiry, it appears
that the primary purpose of the contract is to provide an
integrated system solution, with the secondary purpose of
acquiring services to implement and sustain that solution.
Defendant confirms that the principal purpose of the New TASC
RFP is “to acquire a sophisticated, integrated system,” and that
the services necessary to implement that system are merely
incidental to the performance of the contract. Def.’s Mot. for
J. on the Admin. R. at 34. Plaintiff asserts nothing that
contradicts this notion. Additionally, defendant informed the
Court at oral argument that DOL has confirmed defendant’s
conclusion that the SCA does not apply to the New TASC RFP. Tr.
(Apr. 7, 2009) at 36:5-7. For all of these reasons, the Court
finds nothing unreasonable about defendant’s decision not to
include the SCA clauses, and therefore finds no violation of the
SCA or FAR 22.10006. (Savantage
Financial Services, Inc., v. U. S., No. 08-21C & 09-113C,
April 15, 2009) (pdf) |
U. S. Court of Federal Claims - Listing of Decisions |
the Government |
the Protester |
Savantage Financial Services, Inc., v.
U. S., No. 08-21C & 09-113C, April 15, 2009 (pdf) |