I2 challenges the CO’s determination that RMH’s proposal was
compliant with the requirement under FAR Clause 52.226-3 that
the offeror “reside or primarily do business in the set-aside
area.” The FAR Clause 52.226-3 locality requirement is satisfied
(c) An offeror is considered
to be residing or primarily doing business in the set-aside area
if, during the last twelve months--
(1) The offeror had its main
operating office in the area; and
(2) That office generated at least half of the offeror's gross
revenues and employed at least half of the offeror's permanent
FAR Clause 52.226-3(c).
There is no basis in the record to question FEMA’s determination
that RMH’s main operating office and principal business was in
the set-aside area. As detailed above, the agency investigated
this matter and found substantial information that showed that
RMH resided and primarily did business in the set-aside area.
None of the documents furnished by the protester demonstrates
that RMH does not “reside or primarily do business in the
set-aside area” as that requirement is defined above.
The protester, however, no longer asserts that the awardee is
physically located outside the set-aside area, but rather
asserts that the awardee does not exist as a Missouri
corporation eligible to do business in the state and to receive
award of the contract. Protest at 3; Comments at 1. The
documents proffered by I2 include a “Business Entity Search” at
the Missouri Secretary of State website that indicates that,
although Riley’s Mobile Homes, Inc. was in existence at least as
early as 1997, it was dissolved in 2000. Protest at 2. I2
asserts, accordingly, “Riley’s Mobile Homes, Inc. does not
exist” as it appears in pertinent documents, and is not eligible
for award. Comments at 2.
We also find no merit to this argument. RMH clearly exists as a
business entity; for example, RMH submitted a proposal and was
registered as a fictitious name in Missouri on October 3, 2011
(as well as in 1996 and 2006). See Agency exhs. N, R. It is
true, as noted by the protester, that “Riley’s Mobile Homes,
Inc.,” the awardee indicated on the FedBizOpps award notice, and
the business name listed in the CCR entry, no longer exists as
an incorporated entity registered with the Missouri Secretary of
State. In this regard, available state documents indicate that
Riley’s Mobile Home’s, Inc. was dissolved in 2000. However, the
agency correctly notes that RMH submitted its proposal as a sole
proprietorship. Supp. AR at 3. In fact, RMH’s proposal, which
does not reference “Riley’s Mobile Homes, Inc.,” is signed by
“William Riley” for “Riley’s Mobil Homes.” RMH Proposal,
Business Proposal, at 4. Likewise, while the relevant CCR entry
lists “Riley’s Mobile Homes, Inc.” as the entity’s business
name, it describes the entity as a “Sole Proprietorship” rather
than as a “Corporate Entity,” and lists the “Mailing Name” as
“William Riley.” Agency exh. N. Similarly, “RILEY'S MOBILE HOMES
INC” is listed as a “sole proprietorship,” with the indication
“William Riley, Owner,” and not as a “Corporate entity,” in its
Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA).
In sum, notwithstanding the
reference in the award notice to “Riley’s Mobile Homes, Inc.,”
we accept the agency’s explanation that it treated “Riley’s
Mobile Homes, Inc.” as a fictitious business name for the sole
proprietorship to which it made award. Supp. AR, Apr. 24, 2012,
at 3. In any case, we have held that the name of an offeror need
not be exactly the same in all of the offer documents when
information readily available to the agency reasonably
establishes that the differently-identified entities are in fact
the same concern. Trandes Corp., B-271662, Aug. 2, 1996, 96-2
CPD ¶ 57 at 2. Here, there is no reasonable concern that the
Riley’s Mobile Homes that submitted a proposal is an entity
different from the Riley’s Mobile Homes, Inc. listed in the
award notice. (Intelligent
Investments, Inc., B-406347,B-406347.2, Apr 27, 2012)