Textbook On A Page

Most Viewed Protest Pages During CY 2021

Wifcon.com provides this analysis of bid protest decisionsits "Textbook-on-a-Page."  The individual decisions on these pages are listed according to:


1.  FAR 15.206 (e):  Cancellation of solicitation
2.  FAR 15.404Proposal Analysis - Contract pricing, Realism analysis.
3.  FAR 15.305:  Unacceptable or offers not in compliance with solicitation
4.  FAR 15.308Source selection/tradeoff decision
5.  FAR 9.500:  Organizational and Consultant Conflict of Interest
6.  FAR 15.206 (a): Changed requirements and/or solicitation amendment.
7.  FAR 15.208 (b):  Submission of proposals - Late.
8.  4 CFR 21.8Corrective Action Taken by Agency
9.  FAR 6.001: Competition: Modifications, beyond the scope
10. FAR 11.002 (a) (1): Requirements - Restrictive provisions
11. FAR 15.306 (a) Clarifications and award without discussions
12. FAR 6_302:  Exceptions to Full and Open Competition.
13. 4 CFR 21.2: Timeliness of Protest
14. 3.104-4 (b):  Prohibition on obtaining procurement information
  15.  FAR 15.305 (a)(2)(ii): Past performance/Experience - Relevance, problems encountered, corrective actions, government consideration of sources.

Rules & Statistics

Frequently Asked Questions

The Comptroller General, head of the U. S. General Accountability Office (GAO), and the U. S. Court of Federal Claims (COFC) are the primary organizations that hear bid protests on federal procurement contract awards. Each has different rules and each has different standards it applies to a protest.  These rules are on the internet and found at the links below:

Also see: 

Wifcon.com provides statistics for the Comptroller General's bid protest cases from 1997 to the present.  You can find them at the link below:

Are all protest decisions included on these pages?

No.  The Comptroller General decisions were added beginning in 1999.  The Court of Federal Claims decisions were added a few years later with appeals from the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit added a little after that.  Wifcon.com tries to identify protest decisions that may increase your knowledge and that are a bit different from others.  Most sustained protests are added because we can learn from our mistakes.  Protests with typical complaints about a protester's or an awardee's proposal are no longer added to the list.  However, if a denied or dismissed case appears to add to our knowledge, it too is added.  

How are excerpts from decisions added to the pages?

The goal of the excerpt pages is to provide educational information according to the areas of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, the Comptroller General's bid protest regulations, and Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-76.  Excerpts from decisions are added on a judgment basis. 

The excerpts are converted to .html from .html, .pdf, .word. etc.  The original text in the cases includes editing codes which are usually removed during the conversion process.  Some removal of the original text is done manually.  It is a goal to remove footnote numbers from the excerpts.  However, they are not all removed.  You may see an odd number just sitting there in the text of an excerpt.  In short, the conversion process can lead to mistakes in the text.  If there is any confusion, please refer to the linked case.

Do these pages reflect who won or who lost a protest decision?

No.  Bid protest decisions may include more than one protest issue within the overall decision.  For example, a published decision may discuss 4 separate protest issues.  Two of the protest issues may be decided in favor of the government and 2 may be decided in favor of the protester.  Wifcon.com may pick all 4 of the protest issues for addition to the excerpt section of these pages or only 1.  If one of the 4 protest issues is selected for addition to the excerpt section, that one protest issue will be listed as to whether it was decided in favor of the government or the protester.



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